
目前顯示的是 5月, 2007的文章


今天試了一下, 可以用這個方法備份一個WSS上的清單: 1. 將清單滙出至EXCEL 2.使用EXCEL的滙出功能, 再滙出至另一台WSS上即可! 還算方便!


今天在CISCO網站上逛時發現有WebCast,有討論區,很有用處! 1. webcast and seminars: http://www.cisco.com/web/learning/le21/le39/learning_seminars_tool_launch.html 2. networking professionals connection: http://www.cisco.com/discuss/networking


在Excel的說明中找了一下, 看到使用XML的方法, 還不錯! 1. 按"Office按鈕", 再按"Excel選項" 2. 在常用下的"在功能區顯示開發人員....."打勾 3. 這樣在Excel就可以看到功能表多了一個"開發人員" 4. 選它後, 找到XML項下的"滙入", 就可以將XML檔滙入至Excel中 5. 選檔案時, 可以一次選多個檔案, 就可以一次滙入多個XML檔至活頁簿中 6. XML會自動展開, 在Excel中, 已經有排序及篩選的功能 我想是不是Access也有類似的功能? 應該可以玩一下!


找到一個微軟對XML簡介的課程, 還算淺顯易懂. 微軟提供的XML簡介課程: http://office.microsoft.com/training/Training.aspx?AssetID=RC011304651028&CTT=6&Origin=RC011304651028

Office Forms Server 2007

MS Office Forms Server 2007 demo http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/formsserver/HA101672631033.aspx InfoPath Team Blog http://blogs.msdn.com/infopath/ InfoPath Developer Portal http://msdn.microsoft.com/office/program/infopath/ (with some good video demo!) 1. Visual How Tos: 1-1. Creating Browser Enabled Forms With InfoPath 2007 http://channel9.msdn.com/showpost.aspx?postid=229707 1-2. Using Business Data Catalog Actions to Pass Parameters to InfoPath 2007 Browser Forms http://wm.microsoft.com/ms/msdn/office/2007officevisualhowtos/infopathparameters.wmv 2. Training http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb335271.aspx InfoPath 2007 Developer Reference http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb229745.aspx Office Forms Server http://technet2.microsoft.com/Office/en-us/library/17f1cb56-dfd3-461e-aeb7-a3d8adefc5961033.mspx Good ideals Saving InfoPath Forms to SQL Server 2005 as XML http://aspalliance.com/1106_Saving_InfoPath_Forms_to_SQL_Server_2005_as_XML Sharepoint Tips and Tricks InfoP...

Good News: WSS Event Receiver ItemAdding & ItemUpdating can work!

Recently I try to write the Event Receiver of WSS v3, focus on the SPItemEventReceiver class's ItemUpdating and ItemAdding method. In this way, I can implement some validating rule for WSS v3's list. For example, to insure one field in a list can't contain duplicate value! First, I found a artical in the MSDN. WSS 3.0 Preview - Discover Significant Developer Improvements In SharePoint Services http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/06/07/WSS30Preview/default.aspx There is a good example code, see Fig.10 of that article. Also this article become chapter 1 of one book name "7 development projects for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 ans Windows SharePoint Services". http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/2/f/02f0f661-88e1-43c2-b523-88d2e9e6802f/7%20Development%20Projects%20with%20the%202007%20Microsoft%20Office%20System%20and%20Windows%20SharePoint%20Services%202007.pdf These two source had the almost the same example code. But when I try that code, I fou...

WSS Event Receiver

這篇文章主要說明WSS v3 的新功能, 略為提到Event Receiver的用法(有個範例) WSS 3.0 Preview - Discover Significant Developer Improvements In SharePoint Services http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/06/07/WSS30Preview/default.aspx